Friday, June 22, 2012

Back to School Fun!

Edit Posted by The Wooden Shutter with 7 comments

I was surfing the net as I ALWAYS do (yes, I sleep with my laptop under my pillow) when I came across this ADORABLE CRAFT!  All you need are some bottle caps, glitter glue, and crafty beads.  I thought about giving one to each student during the first week of school.  They can use it to express who they are or what they like.  Then, I would attach a magnet to the back and they can put it on the metal part of their desks or I can use them as magnets all year.  I just KNOW the students would LOVE seeing me use their designs to hang stuff up.  They would also make a great rainy day activity or Mother's Day gift.  You could put small letters or words on them yourself and have a quick and easy word work center.  How about using numbers and symbols to have students do math problems? The possiblities are endless!  I hope you try this craft and send me pics of what your students did so I can post them here at a later time.  To get you started, I made a FREE TEMPLATE with some designs for you at the end of this post! Just click on the link that says, "Bottlecap Designs" to download. Get crafting with these or your own designs! Send pics of the finished project to - subject- Bottle Cap Craft.  I am so excited to see how these turn out!  I, of course, will post my students' creations but you'll have to wait until we go back to school at the end of August!  Until then, have fun with creativity and learning! xxHugsxx, Leanne

Bottlecap Designs


  1. Hi! I just found your blog from Ms Preppys Facebook Party. Thanks for sharing! I am a new follower.
    TIPS: Teach, Inspire, and Prepare Students

    1. Glad to have you! I will come over and follow you, too! :0)

  2. Hey friend! Just wanted to let you know I love all of your creative ideas! You are one smart chickie!

    Best Practices 4 Teaching

  3. Loving this idea! I can't download the scribed file though :(
    Melissa O at

    1. Uh oh! I will check on that! Thanks for letting me know!

    2. Okay, it should be fixed! I had to make it public. Please let me know if it works!

    3. Got it! Can't wait to try it :)


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