Saturday, September 24, 2011


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I was searching for a great book to use for visualizing when I came across this fabulous book by Pat Hutchins. In it, the wind blows several objects away as the owners chase after them!  The students really loved this book and I barely heard a peep out of them as I was reading!  To teach the lesson, we began by doing a visualizing exercise with white boards.  I described a scene with a tree, a flower, the sun, a bird, and a house.  Students were to draw the scene as it looked in their minds.  We stood in a circle and showed our pictures to the class and discussed why they were similar but not the same!  It was because we all had different schema, of course!
Then, I introduced the book, The Wind Blew (I had the cover hidden).  I told the students I was going to read it and they would draw the pictures they saw in their minds, reminding them that good readers visualize as they read.  After each page, they would draw and share their pictures with an elbow partner.  Then, we would look at what the illustrator drew and talk about the words in the text that helped us to visualize.  The students were so engaged and were having fun visualizing!  At the end, they made a prediction about what they thought would happen, but there was a surprise ending...the wind blew out to sea and left all of the objects behind.  They were all mixed up (the students laughed so hard at the mixed up objects and people). 
After the reading and discussing, we talked about how much fun it was to visualize.  We made a promise to visualize and make mental pictures every time we read.  We talked about how we make mental pictures even when the illustrator has made them for us because our schema helps us to see the book differently! 
I highly recommend this for your first graders!  You will love the lesson as much as they do! :0)  Happy Teaching!
Warm Hugs and Loving Smiles,

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Time Savers for Teachers

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Whew!  It has been quite busy with back-to-school time but I have not forgotten about you!  :0)  As I was surfing the web tonight, I came across a site with fabulous products for teachers!  It is called Timesavers for Teachers and I would highly recommend purchasing the Teacher's Binder.  Trust me, the resources are worth it!  Check it out here:

I just LOVE when teaching printables are so well-made that I do not have to do any extra work myself!  I hope you get a chance to peruse this site as I am sure you won't be disappointed in your purchases! 
Warm Hugs and Loving Smiles,

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering 9-11

Edit Posted by The Wooden Shutter with No comments

If You're Proud To Be An American Wave
This Flag In Honor Of The Fallen Men
And Women Who Served Our Country
For those who have served in the past 
For those who are serving now
And For Those Who Are Still Fighting
Keep this posted at least through  Sunday 9-11-2011