Thursday, December 29, 2011

Sunshine Award 2011

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Thank you to the fabulous Lorraine over at Fabulous 4th Grade Froggies for giving me this award!
Here are the rules for accepting this award:

1. Thank the person who gave this award and write a post about it.

2. Answer the following questions below.

3. And pass the award to fabulous bloggers, link their blogs and let them know you awarded it to them.

Here are my answers:

Favorite animal? Frog ♥

Favorite color? Purple

Favorite number? 12

Favorite drink? sweet tea (esp. from McD's)

Facebook or Twitter? Facebook

Your passion? Teaching and Being a Mom

Giving or getting presents? Giving to others!

Favorite day? Friday- I look forward to weekends off with my little guy, Sebastian! :0)  Mommy loves you!
Now I pass the award to:
PreK Paradise

Mrs. Jump's Class

Wise Owl Factory
The Wise Owl Factory Book a Day Blog

New Year's Resolutions

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Well, I can't believe it's that time again!  The new year is about to start and it is the perfect time to set some resolutions.  I have been thinking about what I want to accomplish in 2012 and here is what I have:

1.  ORGANIZE, ORGANIZE, ORGANIZE!  I would like to continue organizing files at school and 
     finish organizing at home!
2.  PRAY EVERY DAY.  I have been making a habit of taking the time to say a prayer of thanks for all I
     have been able to accomplish.  I am so thankful I have been able to teach so many children!
3.  BETTER MANAGE MY TIME.  I need to continue to find a balance between work, home, and other
     things (FB, TpT, TN to name a few).
4.  RAMP UP THE EXERCISING!  I definitely don't look like I did when I first started teaching (Can
     you say snacks in the teacher's lounge?!?)  This year, I need to find a way to take care of my body. 
     Since I have little time, I may work out using Zumba on my Promethean Board after school.
5.  BE THE BEST ME I CAN BE! As Oprah always said, "You can't be the best (enter famous name of
     choice), but you can be the best YOU!" I am going to stretch myself to the limits of my teaching
     capabilities and see where it takes me! :0)

Do you have resolutions for the New Year?  If yours go along with mine, just reference the number above.  I'd love to know I'm not alone in these goals!!!  Happy New Year!

Warm New Year Hugs and Loving New Year Smiles,

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


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Ladybug's Teacher Files

Wow!  One of my favorite blogs, Ladybug's Teacher Files, is holding a FABULOUS giveaway!  She is giving three people one of of her very special blog designs!  All you have to do is click the picture above, choose the blog you like, and follow the entry instructions!  I want you to check it out but of course, I would like to win, too!  So, do me a favor and cross a few of your fingers for me and a few of them for you! :0)  Best of Luck and Happy New Year!!!

Warm Hugs and Loving Smiles,

Education World's Teacher of the Day

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A big thanks goes out to Education World for making me today's Teacher of the Day!  I think it is great that they highlight teachers for their hard work!  Check it out here:

Thanks to all who have supported me! 

Warm Hugs and Loving Smiles,

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Need a little Kleinspiration?

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Hey all!  Everyone needs a little "Kleinspiration" once in awhile, right?  Well, you need to go over there and check out the new store!  It is just starting up and it features products from some of the TOP SELLERS from teacher sites!  Check it out here:  It is so easy to browse as the store is divided into subject areas that are easy to navigate.   The best part is, ONLY teachers who have QUALITY products will be offering them at this store for immediate download!  No worries about paying lots of money for products you could make at home.  ALL of them are HIGH QUALITY.  So, what are you waiting for?  Get stocked up for the New Year!  Fill the files over at Kleinspiration's new store!  You'll be glad you did!
Click the pic to take the fast track!
Warm Hugs and Loving Smiles,

Friday, December 23, 2011

It's Jivin' January!

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Check out my newest product, Jivin' January:  A Winter Theme Unit!  You can get to it by clicking on the picture below. In it, I included everything I will be doing with my first graders as we return to school in the New Year.  I am printing it out just so I can be ready for when they come back.  After Christmas, I am NOT going to want to think about going back to school but at least I'll be prepared!  I hope you have something ready as well.  We all know the next week or so will fly by but the students will be waiting and ready for some winter fun!  I hope you enjoy using this theme unit as much as I enjoyed making it!

Marshmallow Hugs,

What Teacher Doesn't Like a Timesaver?!?

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TIMESAVERS for - World's largest collection of REPORT CARD COMMENTS, printable, interactive, often-used teacher FORMS, spelling activities, 1000 Writing Prompts, worksheets, math forms, award certificates, downloadable resources for busy teachers - lots of FREE stuff
Hi everyone!  I was just thinking the hustle and bustle around the holidays reminds me of preparations for the first day of school!  With so much going on, I am going to need something to help save me time after the holidays.  I am going to be purchasing more products from one of my favorite sites, Timesavers for Teachers!
REPORT CARD AND IEP COMMENTS for teachers:  Introductory comments, Homework completion, Class participation, Group work, Problem solving, Behavior, Writing tasks, Writing process, Proofreading, Editing, Language conventions, Spelling, Reading, Reading comprehension, Decoding, Reading fluency, Oral communication, Listening skills, Self-control, Motivation, Work habit, Organizational & Social skills, Math, Problem solving, Science... and more!.My newest favorite product is the Teacher Report Card Comments book!  You can get yours here by clicking on the picture of the product.
I know the last thing on your mind is school right now, but after the holidays, we are all going to have to plow through those dreaded report cards.  Why not save yourself some time? I did!  :0) 

Happy Holidays,

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Your Students Can Be Eggsperts!

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I have to say, I really love using the Eggspert game in my classroom!  The buzzers give students a chance to play in a Jeopardy-like way which they have so much fun doing!  This game is so simple to pull out when I want to do a review and the students are always begging to use it!  This is the cheapest I have found the game as I would like to purchase a second one for my classroom.  If you haven't checked it out, you're missing out!  :0) 

Monday, December 19, 2011

It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's Math in the Sky!

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I couldn't believe this shot of the sky I got on my way to work one day!  Inspired by the book, Butterfly Alphabet by Kajell B. Sandved, I took pictures of the sky for my math class.  It is a great "real-world" connection to parallel and intersecting lines!  It's amazing that math can be found everywhere!  

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Of Course She's Fabulous- She's My Upper Grades Twin!

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Fabulous 4th Grade Froggies
It's my blog twin!  I absolutely LOVE this blog and highly recommend it to any grades 3-5 teachers!  BTW, I LOVE the perfect pencil sharpener over there!  After going through about 12 last year, I'm ready to buy this one and KEEP IT!  LOL!  Happy Froggy Bloggy Hopping!


Edit Posted by The Wooden Shutter with 2 comments
Congratulations to our Surprise Stocking Contest winner, Sharon Winter!  Sharon, I will be contacting you to claim your prize!  Thank you to everyone for entering and I hope you got the chance to use your 10% off coupon over at Thistlegirl Designs!  Happy Holidays!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Lovin' the Liebster

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Wow!  I feel honored!  Today, I received the Liebster Blog Award from Journey of a Substitute Teacher.  This award is given out to spotlight up-and-coming blogs with less than 200 followers. 

The rules are...
1.  Copy and paste the award on your blog.
2.  Thank the giver and link back to them.
3.  Reveal your Top 5 picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
4.  Hope that your followers will spread the word to other bloggers.

Here are the blogs who will receive my Liebster Blog Award (please check them out and give them some LUV- thanks!)...

2.  Globicate!
3.  Sub Hub


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HO! HO! HO!  Santa has visited Teaching Tales and guess what?  He left a stocking here just for you!  It's filled with ALL KINDS OF GOODIES teachers love!  The best part is...the goodies are a SURPRISE! Enter using the form below for a SPECIAL CHRISTMAS TREAT!  Oh, and the best part?  I am teaming up with THISTLEGIRL DESIGNS ( to bring everyone who enters a coupon to use over at her store!  Yay!  Contest ends Saturday, December 17th at 8pm EST.  HAPPY HOLIDAYS AND BEST WISHES FOR A SAFE HOLIDAY SEASON! 

Saturday, December 10, 2011

December is Delightful Sale

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Hey everyone!  I am holding a 40% OFF DECEMBER IS DELIGHTFUL SALE over at TeachersNotebook!  That's almost HALF-OFF ALL PRODUCTS!  Click the Santa-Dog to go right to my shop!  Don't forget to add my shop as a favorite while you're there!  That way, you get all the updates on new products and sales. Stay tuned as I will be adding more products over the weekend so you get the most out of the SALE!  Happy Holidays!

Warm Hugs and Loving Smiles,

Thursday, December 08, 2011


Edit Posted by The Wooden Shutter with 2 comments
Okay, everyone, don't laugh at me...when I was at BINGO the other night (I only do it once in awhile and it was for Christmas baskets), I had an idea!  I always use BINGO daubers to mark student agendas in red, yellow, or green according to their daily behavior.  However, I have never used them for anything else in class.  Then it hit me!  I could use them to have the students STAMP their Word Wall Words!  So, I got out these and some letter stamps and set up three centers in my classroom.  I taped bulletin board paper across the tables and let the students go to town!  They did not make a peep the whole thirty minutes!  They stamped and spelled and have been asking to do it every day since!  My friend, Sharon, is making some printable words for early learners to use with the BINGO daubers and I will be sure to pass along the link to that when it becomes available.  Try it and see what you think!  Also, comment if you have any other ideas for how to use these in class.

Warm Hugs and Loving Smiles,

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Cute Christmas Freebie from a Friend!

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This is such a cute Christmas freebie from the blog, Cooperative Learning 365!  Click the pic to go to the freebie!

Happy Holidays!

My New Favorite Tool- EXPO Bright Sticks!

Edit Posted by The Wooden Shutter with 5 comments
If you haven't checked these out, yet, go get some NOW! 

These are so great for so many classroom projects!  They allow you to make the walls, doors, windows, etc. of the classroom look like those cute signs at Starbucks!  I have written on the cabinets for science vocabulary and on the door with winter words!  By far, my favorite use has been writing words on the word wall!  No more annoying cards to laminate and cut out!  Just shake, write, and smile!  Here is a picture of my word wall using the EXPO bright sticks...
This is my classroom door...

This is my cabinet...

The sky is the limit!  I would seriously go purchase these.  They are around $18.00 and they have made my life so much easier!

Thursday, December 01, 2011

The Ultimate Christmas Unit is here!

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Check out the latest Christmas products over at my TpT store!  They have been going like crazy! Just click on each picture and you will be taken straight to that product.

 A big thank you to all those who enjoy using these with your students!  My students LOVE when I make new things for them!  :0)  They keep me motivated and give me feedback on everything I create!  Thank you to all who have purchased my products and to all who have left fantastic feedback!  YOU ROCK!  

Rated 4.0 on TeachersPayTeachers!

Happy holidays!  As always, don't forget to leave feedback for your purchases!  I take your feedback very seriously as I want to create the most superior products for all of our students to use!