Saturday, August 25, 2012

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Hi!  I am so excited to introduce my friend, Lacie, as our guest blogger today!  She has such a cute blog so follow her if you get a chance! :)  Please comment on her freebies and let her know what you think!  

Hello! My name is Lacie from Polka Dots and Pencils, and I SO excited to be guest blogging today for the STUFF YOUR FILES EVENT!!! Yay!!! I hope everyone is off to a fun and exciting school year! If you haven't went back to school yet, I wish you luck in the coming days of preparing your classroom and meeting your kids! 

I would like to tell you a little about myself. This is my 5th year of teaching in a public, Title I school in upstate SC. I have taught 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade, but currently I am teaching 4th! I had the privilege of "looping" up with my 3rd graders from last year! It is so much fun! :) I am also currently working on my Master's Degree, and I will be finished on October 14!!! I can't wait!!! Please go check out my blog! 

I also have some wonderful FREEBIES for you today!!! First, I have a WANTED poster you can use in reading!!! My students absolutely LOVE using this poster to describe their favorite characters in class! Just click on the picture to go to my TpT store to download it!

I also have another FREEBIE for you!!! It is a MATH REVIEW PROJECT that I created for my kids to review their multiplication, addition, subtraction, and word problem skills! It was a huge hit in my classroom! Again, just click on the picture below to head to my TpT store to download it! 

There also several other great FREEBIES you should check out in my store!!!

Thanks for letting me a part of this awesome bloggy event! I hope you enjoy today's freebies to stuff your files with!!! :) 

Friday, August 17, 2012

Top Teachers Stuff Your Files with No Monkey Business...

Edit Posted by The Wooden Shutter with 2 comments
Today, you are going to LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the FREEBIE and tap light idea on this post!  Michelle has a lot of experience and has been so kind to share with all of us!  Thanks, Michelle! Please be sure to follow her if you like what you see.  She would love to hear how you like her post!  Happy Reading!

Hi "Creative Classroom" friends!  I am so happy to be sharing some FREE stuff today!  My name is Michelle and you can find me over at No Monkey Business...Just Bunches of Learning blog.  I'm a 22 year teaching veteran that's taught everything K-3rd.  Until very recently, I was a third grade teacher and perfectly content!  48 hours later I was in a Literacy Coach position.  Luckily, it was in the SAME SCHOOL.  So I can't even begin to tell you how supportive my staff has been and how blessed I feel to be where I am!  Change is difficult, but sometimes a good thing. 

On a more personal note, I am a Kentucky girl living in Tennessee.  Let me rephrase.  I'm a die hard Kentucky Wildcat basketball fan living in a rival state when it comes to sports.  It always makes things interesting when I wear my royal BLUE on "ORANGE" day.  :-)

It seems funny that my title is "Literacy coach," because I plan to share a MATH lesson with you all.  Hmmm...You can take the teacher out of the classroom, but you can't take the classroom out of the teacher, huh?!

With our teachers currently diving into place value, I thought I'd share a FUN, MOTIVATING math lesson with you that your students are sure to enjoy.  I always like to keep my students up and moving.  I think they are more relaxed, carry on valuable conversations with each other, and it makes learning fun.  This activity is no exception AND it's EASY to make!

First, create some grids with a variety of different digits in them. (see photo)  I had a parent volunteer make about 8 different boards on simple butcher paper and laminate.  Divide your students into small groups.  Find an item that will be easy to toss, but not roll.  (small blocks, pennies (they don't typically roll, but land flat), small discs, etc.)  Students toss the same number of blocks onto the board as the place value they're currently working on.  For example, if their focus is on hundreds, then the students will toss 3 blocks.  If they're working on thousands, then they will toss 4 blocks.  Each student stands x amount of feet back from the board (4-5 works well) and tosses their blocks.  If thousands is the focus, the student records their four numbers in Round 1 of their Place Value Pitch answer sheets.  Play until everyone gets through 5 rounds and comes up with 5 sets of digits.    The next step is to manipulate the digits according to what the directions say on the Place Value Pitch sheet.  (make the largest number you can, smallest number, sequence the numbers greatest to least, least to greatest, what is the value of the digit in the tens place, AND MANY MORE).  The record sheet even challenges students to create a question of their own where someone would have to use their place value skills to solve.  Students are doing math, but also required to think, write, create, and even share.  Need differentiation?  Sure thing!! This can take place in your small groups.  One group might be focusing on hundreds, while another group is practicing the ten thousands place.
The place value pitch game is a FREEBIE available in my TpT store!  So be sure to grab it!  The images will get you to the link!  Another variation of this game that I play is called Bulls-eye. It can also be played in cooperative groups, but is SMALLER in size and can be played at students' desks. I have the Bulls-eye Place Value game also available in my TpT store.  Although similar, they are different enough that my students LOVE and beg to play both!  They get to experience some hands on, interactive, and fun ways to practice this necessary Common Core skill.  The record sheets hold them accountable for staying on task and communicating their progress with me. 

Looking for another fun Math freebie or two?  I fell in LOVE with the Tap Lights this summer.  I visited stalked my local Dollar Store until I got enough to outfit many cooperative groups!  They have a "game show" kind of feel for reviewing some basic math facts.  Turn over a card, be the first to "tap" your light to come on, and answer the question correctly!  The tap lights come in a variety of adorable shapes too! (moon, heart, etc.)  Warning:  Your students will ask over and over for these to come out!
I'm so appreciative of Leanne letting me hang out on her blog today!  I hope you, her readers, have been able to take something FUN and ENGAGING back to your classroom.    You can find me at No Monkey Business!  Come by to say hi and/or let me know how the "Place Value Pitch" or Tap Light activity goes in your classroom!  
Bananas for the opportunity to "hang" here today,

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Top Teachers Stuff Your Files with Dilly Dabbles

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Today, we have Melissa from Dilly Dabbles guest blogging and sharing some FREEBIES with you!  Don't you just LOVE the name Dilly Dabbles?!?  I could say it all day long! :)  She has brought some great goodies for you so please be sure to pick them up and follow her over at her blog!  Comment, comment, comment if you like what you see!!! Enjoy!

I'm happy to be part of this fun Stuff Your Files event.  I'm Melissa and I blog at Dilly Dabbles.  I'm a first grade teacher recently turned instructional coach.  I love to share the ideas and tips that I've learned as a classroom teacher and that I am now learning from other teachers and from coaching teachers.

The ideas and items I have to share with you today are all about word work.  Word work is something that I believe is important, but is also something that can be left behind when trying to fit everything else in.  These few Word Wall practice activities can be done during any little bit of time you have throughout the day.  They are great for when you're waiting in line for something or finished a lesson a little ahead of schedule.  They are also great to do as a whole group and then place in centers for independent work.

Play "Word Wall Spin"

This is like that popular TV word guessing game.  Go to the National Library of Virtual Manipulatives spinner online here and display it through your projector.  Choose the change spinner option and replace the color names with numbers.  Choose a word wall word and put line blanks on the board for the number of letters in the word.  Split the class into 2-4 groups.  One person from each group takes turns spinning and guessing a letter.  If they get a letter, they receive the points they spun for each letter that was in the word.  If the letter they guessed is not in the word, no points are awarded.  Buying a vowel costs points (decide this before the game based on the number values you are using).  The team that solves the word receives bonus points (again pre-determined based on the number values you are using).

Play "Don't Eat the Word"

Print and laminate this "Don't Eat the Word" template.  With an erasable marker, fill in the boxes with word wall words you want students to practice.  (Students can choose their words or you can provide a list when this activity is put in a center.)  To play as a class, put the board under a document camera and place a piece of candy on each square.  Smarties or Skittles or M&M's work well.  A child is chosen to leave the room.  The class decides on the special word.  The child returns to the room and begins to remove the candies one at a time.  The child must say the word under the candy and if read correctly, may eat the candy.  The child continues to remove the candy, say the word and eat until he/she gets to the special word.  When the child reaches for the special word, the class yells "Don't Eat the Word" and the child's turn is over.  Put new candy on the now empty squares and choose a new student to be "it."

I'll be sharing more Word Wall ideas on my blog throughout September.  Keep these two ideas at the ready to pull out at a moments notice throughout the school year.

Thanks to Leanne for hosting this fun event!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Top Teachers Stuff Your Files with Thinking Out Loud

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Please welcome Jana from Thinking Out Loud as a guest blogger today!  She is bringing you some FREE writing resources that I know you will find SUPER USEFUL!  We are lucky to have such a talented teacher sharing with us today!

Hello, everyone!  I am Jana from Thinking Out Loud.  I am thrilled to be here today as part of the Top Teachers Stuff Your Files Event!  Thanks, Leanne for the fabulous opportunity!

Today, I want you to be able to stuff your writing files.  As the school year begins, you want to get a feel for the skills your students have and need to work in writing.  One way I accomplish this is through a writing prompt.  Typical beginning of the year writing prompts ask about summer break.  My students always complained that they didn't do anything over the summer.  Writing prompts can also be a little boring.  I don't want the beginning of the year to be boring, so I jazzed up my writing prompts with pictures to create (you guessed it) picture writing prompts.  The pictures also help those students who need a little extra nudge to begin writing.

Above is an example of one of the writing prompts in the following packet.  The packet has the writing prompts with a background color for projection.  The same prompts are on a white background, so they can be printed without using all of the printer ink.  The packet also included writing stationary for the students to use.  Click on the picture below to get your own writing prompt packet.

Depending on what grade you teach, the following files will help you improve your students' writing once you have assessed them.  The first is for lower elementary students who need to write complete sentences.  Last year I worked with first grade students and used the Crafting Sentences activity below to help them learn to write a complete sentence.

I have also taught older students.  These students where able to write in paragraphs, but the paragraphs were boring.  My students were just telling me what was going on in the story instead of showing me through descriptive language.  I used this lesson (Show, Not Tell) to model writing a more descriptive paragraph that created vivid images in the reader's mind.

It has been a pleasure sharing some writing resources with you.  Thanks again, Leanne, for having me!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Top Teachers Stuff Your Files with Sub Hub

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I am so excited to have one of the BEST substitute teachers out there guest blogging today!  She has wonderful ideas and truly brings an outstanding educational experience to all of the students in her care.  Rachel from Sub Hub is someone who I have enjoyed collaborating with over the last year or so!  Don't forget to get more tips and news about freebies over at her blog!  Just follow her to recieve the latest updates.  If you get a chance, please comment and let her know how you like her freebies!

Hello, everyone! And a huge thank you to Leanne for hosting such a wonderful event as Stuff Your Files. I saw one of those funny eCards on Pinterest the other day that said something like, "I hate getting free teaching materials... said no teacher ever." Ha! And how true is that! Don't we all love free stuff?

I am Rachel from Sub Hub. My blog is focused on improving the profession of substitute teaching as well as helping teachers learn ways to make the most of those days when they have to be out of the classroom. Too many classroom days across the world are spent with substitutes, for those days to just be written off as "busy work" days, "babysitting" days, or "fend for yourself" days. I offer tips, tricks, and techniques to teachers and subs to be the best they can be with the end goal of benefitting students in the best way possible.

What I have free for you today is free always and forever... emergency sub plans. It's quite OK to admit that there are those days when you have to be out and for one reason or another, you just can't get around to writing plans. I have a set of free K-5 emergency sub plans. Each set of plans is one-day's worth of grade-specific lessons focused around a theme or book. Included in each set is a materials list, printables, and instructions for a warm-up activity, a reading lesson, a language arts lesson, a math lesson, a science lesson, and a social studies lesson. Use as much or as little as you need. You can find each grade level of plans in my Teachers Pay Teachers store. The images here are from the first and second grade plans, but like I said, K-5 sets are available.

I hope you find something you can stuff your files with for this new school year! Again, thank you to Leanne for being such a gracious hostess, and stop by and visit Sub Hub sometime!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Top Teachers Stuff Your Files with Sunny Days in Second Grade

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Please help me welcome an AMAZING TEACHER-BLOGGER, Denise Boehm from Sunny Days in Second Grade.  She has a HUGE following over at her blog because of the awesome teacher resources she creates.  Check out what she's got for you today!  Remember, if you LOVE what you see, become a follower of her blog and check out her resources!  Leave her a comment below so she knows what you like!

Hi Friends!
Denise here from Sunny Days in Second Grade. So excited to be sharing with you today thanks to my blog buddy Leanne and her wonderful Stuff Your Files Event!

I have a few fun things to share with you, so let's get down to business. Click on the pictures to download each one free directly from Teachers Pay Teachers.

First is a back to school edition of my popular Bump game:

Next up, some great Spelling activity cards for a literacy center:

How about some conversation starters for responding to reading?

And finally, a free version of my Weekly Word Wizard review for Language Arts.
 Enjoy and very best wishes for an amazing school year!


Thursday, August 09, 2012

Top Teachers Stuff Your Files with Mrs. Lirette's Learning Detectives

Edit Posted by The Wooden Shutter with 1 comment
Please help me to welcome, Mary Lirette today! She is from Mrs. Lirette's Learning Detectives and she has brought you a BUNCH of FREEBIES. Be sure to follow her and comment below letting her know what you like!  She has a really cute blog for you to check out!

Hi everyone! I'm Mary from Mrs. Lirette's Learning Detectives.  I'm so excited to be taking part in the Top Teachers Stuff Your Files event! 

I have a few freebies that I would to share with you today.  First of all, I created a brand new Rock, Paper, Scissors game this week.  My kids LOVE playing Rock, Paper, Scissors!  I've played this game with different skill cards with kindergartners, first graders, and second's a favorite partner game for everyone!  This new game focuses on Pre-Primer sight words.  You can click the picture to grab your copy!

I have 28 free items in my Teachers Pay Teachers store!  Here are a few recent freebies.  You can click the images to download!

I'm hope you've found something that will make your start to the school year a little easier.  Thanks to Leanne for hosting this fabulous event!

Stop by my blog and say hi when you get a chance.  :)

Mary Lirette Mrs. Lirette's Learning Detectives Facebook Page TpT Store Twitter Pinterest

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Top Teachers Stuff Your Files with The Diary of a Not So Wimpy Teacher!

Edit Posted by The Wooden Shutter with 4 comments
I am so excited to welcome my friend, Kathie, from The Diary of a Not So Wimpy Teacher (don't you just LOVE the name?)!!!  She is sharing some great resources to get you back in gear for back to school.  Be sure to tell her what you like and plan to use by commenting on the post! 

Hi Everyone! My name is Kathie from The Diary of a Not So Wimpy Teacher! I am happy to share some of my back to school resources with you! I know with decorating your classroom, planning for the first few weeks of school and organizing your back to school forms, things can get (very) hectic. The resource I am sharing today is perfect for helping you get organized! I always use a calendar  to help me manage my important dates, projects and must-do's. This cute calendar set can be downloaded from my TPT store for free : )

I also use a variety of icebreakers during the first weeks of school (and also throughout the school year) to help create a peaceful classroom community. Here are three great icebreakers for you to use in your classroom!

The last thing I would like to share is one of my number one downloaded items! My Super Student Praise Pack is great for providing positive praise to your students. This helps to build positive self-esteem and a promotes a respectful environment. Feel free to download this item for free!

I hope these items can help minimize your stress in these upcoming weeks. If you are looking for ways to cut down on your planning time (workshop activities, center ideas, guided reading/math, one-on-one) take a look around my store. I have a variety of file folder games and student games that are great for differentiating instruction and helping you to meet the variety of needs in your classroom. HAPPY SCHOOL YEAR! I hope you have a great one : )

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Top Teachers Stuff Your Files with The Convenient Teacher

Edit Posted by The Wooden Shutter with 2 comments
Today's VERY SPECIAL post is from my BESTIE, Sharon Winter!  If you are a Pre-K teacher, you will LOVE this post.  Sharon also gears her work toward the lower elementary grades.  She has brought you some SUPER WONDERFUL FREEBIES today.  Have fun and be sure to follow her and comment to let her know what you like!
Hi Everyone,
My name is Sharon Winter and I am the blog author of The Convenient Teacher.  Blogging is my newest
addiction and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!
I am SO happy to be over here at my friend, Leanne
Baur's Creative Classroom
as a guest blogger. Thanks Leanne
for this fabulous opportunity.
Sooo, who wants to stuff their files?  It is time to go back to
school and having a few fresh, new ideas to take back with you will
surely spark your enthusiasm for wanting to get BACK into that
Today I am bringing you some goodies from my files that you are sure
to love.  These products are tried and true and I love them so I
know you will too. 
Are you getting hungry? Are you ready to enjoy your first goodie. This
goodie is perfect for you especially if you are a lover of fish….not
the eating kind that is, but the cute, adorable kind that you can use
to welcome those little learners to school.  It includes writing
activities, teacher organizational tools, name tags and so much more.
Once you have those little ones back to school and ready to learn, why
not start with a little assessment of who knows the alphabet by using
this packet. 
Alphabet Sounds and printing book Thumb
Don’t want to use it as an assessment, then why not send a sheet home
each week as homework? 
Okay, now were are on our way to stuffing our files, so how about a
little taste of circle time…do you want to help to control calling out
during whole group instruction? Then my circle time name sticks are
perfect for that very purpose.  I use these when I am instructing
whole group and they really work.  Just print them out, cut them
out and laminate.  Then print  each student’s name on a
stick and post near your whole group/circle time area. When you are
asking questions, pull out a name stick and that student answers the
question.  If he does not know the answer, then someone else
surely will. 
Are you getting full?  NOT YET!  This should hit the spot.
How about some yummy cupcakes to finish off stuffing your files. 
These cute cupcakes are actually site words.  What a yummy
display that will make in your classroom. 
These yummy site words sets are primer and pre-primer.  What a
nice little dessert!
Well, I hope that I have helped to STUFF your files.  Have a
great start to your school year and keep on smiling. You do make a
Don’t forget to hop over to my TPT store The
Convenient Teacher Store on TPT
for more freebies…
Check out my blog at The Convenient Teacher
Lots of Love and Hugs,

Monday, August 06, 2012

Top Teachers Stuff Your Files with Making It Teacher!

Edit Posted by The Wooden Shutter with 3 comments
Hi everyone!!! I am SOOOO EXCITED!!!! We are kicking off the BIG STUFF YOUR FILES EVENT with Michelle Lundy from MakingItTeacher!  She has lots of goodies to offer you so be sure to check out the post below.  If you LOVE what you see and I KNOW you WILL, click on her blog button and be sure to follow her!  I do this even if it's not my specific grade-level because there are lots of things that can be modified or extended!  Quite often, these folks have GREAT GIVEAWAYS for teaching products and resources as well.  Well, enough of me, enjoy!!! Be sure to let Michelle know what you think of her FREEBIES in the comments- she will be reading them throughout the day!  Have fun!!!

Look around for a while

and Stuff Your Files!

You're sure to smile

about the great things you compile!


Poetry was never my strong suit, but I'm so excited about this spectacular idea of Leanne's!  {Don't you just love her, by the way?}

Who wouldn't LOVE to have tons of wonderful FREE teaching resources placed right at your fingertips....just waiting to be downloaded and added to your files???  You don't even have to go searching for them.  You just need to stop back by here each day.

I'm also beyond happy to be officially kicking of this event here on Leanne's blog!  So let's get right down to business...with a bang!!!

Hey guys!  My name is Michelle from Making It As A Middle School Teacher {and smiling about it at the end of the day}.

I blog about all things Middle School along with some occasional every day life stuff thrown in the mix.

I create lots of teaching resources to share on TPT and I'm a Pinterest freak lover.

I'd love for you to check me out at both places!

I'm sharing a set of Assorted Math Files with you.

These forms include:

Formative Assessment Logs for Individual Students

Formative Assessment Logs for Class

Student Conference Logs for Individual Students
Student Conference Logs for Class

Math Journal Labels
Student Goals Sheets
Warm-Up Logs

I hope you will find this resource very useful!

Make sure you come back each day for Stuff Your Files even more.

Enjoy :)

Making It {and smiling},

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Top Teachers Stuff Your Files Event!!!

Edit Posted by The Wooden Shutter with 15 comments
Hey everyone!  I am so excited to share an upcoming event with you!!!  It's called the, "Top Teachers Stuff Your Files Event" and it will feature a guest blogger every day!  The guest bloggers are selected from a prestigious group of teachers from all grade levels.  They will each be sharing FABULOUS FREEBIES with you starting on Monday, August 6th.  To participate and get your freebies, just drop by Leanne Baur's Creative Classroom every day starting on August 6th.  Be sure to comment and share what you LOVE about the products and head over to FOLLOW the guest bloggers.  They have so much more to SHARE with you on their own blogs.  Don't miss out... I know I can't wait to stuff my own files!!! Shhhhh!!! 

If you like what you see, don't forget to SHARE about it with others!  The more, the merrier!!!  Here's to starting off a GREAT NEW SCHOOL YEAR!!!!

Warm Hugs and Loving Smiles,