Monday, August 06, 2012

Top Teachers Stuff Your Files with Making It Teacher!

Edit Posted by The Wooden Shutter with 3 comments
Hi everyone!!! I am SOOOO EXCITED!!!! We are kicking off the BIG STUFF YOUR FILES EVENT with Michelle Lundy from MakingItTeacher!  She has lots of goodies to offer you so be sure to check out the post below.  If you LOVE what you see and I KNOW you WILL, click on her blog button and be sure to follow her!  I do this even if it's not my specific grade-level because there are lots of things that can be modified or extended!  Quite often, these folks have GREAT GIVEAWAYS for teaching products and resources as well.  Well, enough of me, enjoy!!! Be sure to let Michelle know what you think of her FREEBIES in the comments- she will be reading them throughout the day!  Have fun!!!

Look around for a while

and Stuff Your Files!

You're sure to smile

about the great things you compile!


Poetry was never my strong suit, but I'm so excited about this spectacular idea of Leanne's!  {Don't you just love her, by the way?}

Who wouldn't LOVE to have tons of wonderful FREE teaching resources placed right at your fingertips....just waiting to be downloaded and added to your files???  You don't even have to go searching for them.  You just need to stop back by here each day.

I'm also beyond happy to be officially kicking of this event here on Leanne's blog!  So let's get right down to business...with a bang!!!

Hey guys!  My name is Michelle from Making It As A Middle School Teacher {and smiling about it at the end of the day}.

I blog about all things Middle School along with some occasional every day life stuff thrown in the mix.

I create lots of teaching resources to share on TPT and I'm a Pinterest freak lover.

I'd love for you to check me out at both places!

I'm sharing a set of Assorted Math Files with you.

These forms include:

Formative Assessment Logs for Individual Students

Formative Assessment Logs for Class

Student Conference Logs for Individual Students
Student Conference Logs for Class

Math Journal Labels
Student Goals Sheets
Warm-Up Logs

I hope you will find this resource very useful!

Make sure you come back each day for Stuff Your Files even more.

Enjoy :)

Making It {and smiling},


  1. Love it all, Leanne & Michelle! Thank you for hosting this AMAZING event, Leanne & thank you Michelle for the math freebies. I'm always on the lookout for math things - so this is perfect!

    Miss V's Busy Bees

  2. Thank you so much! These forms will be very helpful for documenting guided math!!! =)

  3. Thanks so much for sharing! I love these forms :)



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