Sunday, August 21, 2011

Back from Vacation!

Edit Posted by The Wooden Shutter with 1 comment
Whew!  I am finally back from a fun-filled vacation to Hilton Head, SC!  It was fabulous and as always, I learned so much to share with my class!  I am eagerly awaiting the beginning of the school year (1 week and counting) and tomorrow, I will enter my new classroom for the first time.  First grade, here I come!  I must say, at this point I am going through my mental checklist of routines to be sure the year starts off well!  I would love it if you could share your favorite routines such as pencil sharpening, bathroom breaks, classroom jobs, etc.  How do you help your classroom run efficiently for the school year?  What techniques do you use that are a faithful "go-to" each year? 

1 comment:

  1. I hope you had a great time. I know how it is trying to get ready for a new year in a classroom, teaching the grade that you've taught for years, let alone setting up for a new grade. It must be overwhelming! Going from 4th to 1st is a great big change, however, you are a creative and fun teacher and you will have not problems. Have a great year Leanne!


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