Sunday, May 12, 2013

End of the Year Survival Tips

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I don't know about you, but I am getting excited about the end of the year! Right now, we have about 25 days and I feel like I'm counting down to Christmas! This pic says it all...

Cute, right?  I have to stick this on my door so that every day I walk in, I am reminded to keep CALM!  We are all at the time of the year where we are squeezing in units, grading piles of papers, and just wishing the Memorial Day holiday would arrive quickly!  Trust me, I hear 'ya!  The main goal I have in mind, however, is to keep my students having fun while they're counting down the days.  Here are some tips for surviving the end of the school year...

I try to follow this survival list every year so we can all end the year in a fantastic way!  Normally, I wouldn't want to mix up the routines too much as students need routines to stay focused.  At the end of the year, however, they need you to surprise them a bit and keep their attention.  Predictability= BORING in May/June.  As far as technology goes, many books can be read online and magazines like Scholastic News have interactive components on the computer.  Try to use these as much as possible.  If you can't locate books online, then make a list of links and fun sites to explore with your students.  They will really appreciate it and it makes learning FUN (see number 5!)  Class books are a fave of mine because students can't stop reading them!  Also, you can add them to your class library for other classes to use in years to come!  To make them, simply have students create an entry on a topic you have studied or you can add a poem they have written, etc.  Put them all together in a folder with brads, decorate the cover, and voila!  A class book is made!  Goal setting is another important component of the end of the year.  Remember, the year is not over, yet!  Have students set 2-3 small goals a day and check back before dismissal to see if they've reached them.  If not, have them apply today's goal to tomorrow!  This keeps everyone motivated.  Class goals are awesome as well!  Finally, have fun!  Although you are getting tired and the students are getting restless, you will only have them for less than a month!  Remind yourself to make the most of every day!  Soon enough, you will be parked on the couch eating ice cream in your jammies and watching reruns of Oprah! 


If you are in need of something to keep your students busy for the last week or so of school, check out my newest resource by clicking the pic below.  For $5, you can keep them occupied and send them home with an AMAZING memory book!  If you wouldn't mind, don't forget to leave that all-important feedback so I can make resources that fit YOUR NEEDS

That's it for now!  I have the rest of Mother's Day to go celebrate!  Talk to you soon!!!


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