Sunday, November 18, 2012

Better About Blogging

Edit Posted by The Wooden Shutter with No comments
With changing grade levels this year, life has been BUSY!!!  I have felt pulled in all directions while trying to learn a new curriculum, figure out and remember the names of all of the other teachers and students at my new school, and spend time making teaching resources.  My son also started Kindergarten at my school this year so I am learning how to balance being a teacher and a mom at the same school!  Have you ever felt like that?  It is so tough to find the time to do it all but before New Year's even gets here, I am making a resolution.  I am going to blog more because I love it sooo much!  Now that the first quarter at school is over, I can breathe a little.  I feel like I am able to balance a little better than when I first dove into started at my new school.  It's like I'm in a perfect rhythm...I know what to assign, when to grade, and how to hand it back.  I know what the students enjoy in fifth grade without making things too cutesy or babified for them (is that even a word? LOL!).  Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy making fun activities for the younger students since I spent so many years at that level, but there is just a certain line fifth graders draw when trying to add cuteness to their lives! :)  It's barely even cool to give the teacher a high-five anymore! 

To get a head start on my new blogging committment, I'd love to know what your students are learning about.  Are you planning on celebrating Christmas or will you cover all of the holidays?  What major skills and strategies are you going to teach in the next month or so?  For me, the line up looks like pronouns, verbs, research papers, The American Revolution, data and graphing, prefixes, suffixes, and roots, inferring, evaluating, and questioning.  All of that plus a little holiday fun = the end of the year and the second quarter are going to F.L.Y.  B.Y.!!!  Look out for a few FREEBIES to come to help you and your students during the HOLIDAY SEASON.  Consider them early Christmas gifts!  In the states, we are getting ready to celebrate Thanksgiving in the next few days.  What does that mean?  A mini-vaca from school, of course!  For all those enjoying the same, have a wonderful holiday with family and friends!  I'll be waiting to hear from you!

Warm Hugs,

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