Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Summer Lovin'

Edit Posted by The Wooden Shutter with 7 comments
I absolutely love everything about summer!  I love spending time with my little man and watching reruns of The Real Housewives of New Jersey (I can't take my eyes off of the drama!).  Daily trips to the pool keep us busy with a twilight mini-golf session every once...

Friday, July 12, 2013

Favorite Pins Friday!

Edit Posted by The Wooden Shutter with No comments
  Okay, so we all know Pinterest is addictive, right?  I find myself pinning in the morning, pinning in between meetings, and pinning at night when I can't fall asleep (I wonder why...).  I just love finding recipe ideas, ways to decorate my classroom and so much...

Saturday, July 06, 2013

My Top Picks for Summer

Edit Posted by The Wooden Shutter with No comments
So, summer is well under way and I'm sure everyone is relaxing as much as possible before the back-to-school rush!  I know I have been spending some days in my plaid pjs vegging out and watching The Today Show.  Other days, I have been busy at work creating teaching resources...